Level Gem

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Where found: Dropped by boss monsters

Use: This Gem increases your level by 1, increasing Max HP, attack power and seduction power.

Character Stats per Level

Level 1: 5HP, 1 attack power, 1 seduction power

Level 2: 10HP, 3 attack power, 3 seduction power

Level 3: 30HP, 10 attack power, 10 seduction power

Level 4: 60HP, 20 attack power, 20 seduction power

Level 5: 120HP, 30 attack power, 30 seduction power

Level 6: 200HP, 50 attack power, 50 seduction power

Level 7: *DEBUG ONLY Currently* (5HP, 1 attack power, 1 seduction power. This level is not implemented so has default level 1 stats. It cannot be attained other than using debug room gems.)