Global LUA Functions
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All functions below are global & static:
Prints to system console (not to UI! For that see MainScreen.addGameText)
MoonSharp docs describe as:
//type (v)
//Returns the type of its only argument, coded as a string. The possible results of this function are "nil"
//(a string, not the value nil), "number", "string", "boolean", "table", "function", "thread", and "userdata".
MoonSharp docs describe as:
//assert (v [, message])
//Issues an error when the value of its argument v is false (i.e., nil or false);
//otherwise, returns all its arguments. message is an error message; when absent, it defaults to "assertion failed!"
MoonSharp docs describe as:
// collectgarbage ([opt [, arg]])
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This function is mostly a stub towards the CLR GC. If mode is nil, "collect" or "restart", a GC is forced.
MoonSharp docs describe as:
// error (message [, level])
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Terminates the last protected function called and returns message as the error message. Function error never returns.
// Usually, error adds some information about the error position at the beginning of the message.
// The level argument specifies how to get the error position.
// With level 1 (the default), the error position is where the error function was called.
// Level 2 points the error to where the function that called error was called; and so on.
// Passing a level 0 avoids the addition of error position information to the message.
MoonSharp docs describe as:
// tostring (v)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Receives a value of any type and converts it to a string in a reasonable format. (For complete control of how
// numbers are converted, use string.format.)
// If the metatable of v has a "__tostring" field, then tostring calls the corresponding value with v as argument,
// and uses the result of the call as its result.
MoonSharp docs describe as:
// select (index, ...)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// If index is a number, returns all arguments after argument number index; a negative number indexes from
// the end (-1 is the last argument). Otherwise, index must be the string "#", and select returns the total
// number of extra arguments it received.
MoonSharp docs describe as:
// tonumber (e [, base])
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// When called with no base, tonumber tries to convert its argument to a number. If the argument is already
// a number or a string convertible to a number (see §3.4.2), then tonumber returns this number; otherwise,
// it returns nil.
// When called with base, then e should be a string to be interpreted as an integer numeral in that base.
// The base may be any integer between 2 and 36, inclusive. In bases above 10, the letter 'A' (in either
// upper or lower case) represents 10, 'B' represents 11, and so forth, with 'Z' representing 35. If the
// string e is not a valid numeral in the given base, the function returns nil.
Table Iterators
MoonSharp docs describe as:
// ipairs (t)
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// If t has a metamethod __ipairs, calls it with t as argument and returns the first three results from the call.
// Otherwise, returns three values: an iterator function, the table t, and 0, so that the construction
// for i,v in ipairs(t) do body end
// will iterate over the pairs (1,t[1]), (2,t[2]), ..., up to the first integer key absent from the table.
MoonSharp docs describe as:
// pairs (t)
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// If t has a metamethod __pairs, calls it with t as argument and returns the first three results from the call.
// Otherwise, returns three values: the next function, the table t, and nil, so that the construction
// for k,v in pairs(t) do body end
// will iterate over all key–value pairs of table t.
// See function next for the caveats of modifying the table during its traversal.
MoonSharp docs describe as:
// next (table [, index])
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Allows a program to traverse all fields of a table. Its first argument is a table and its second argument is an
// index in this table. next returns the next index of the table and its associated value.
// When called with nil as its second argument, next returns an initial index and its associated value.
// When called with the last index, or with nil in an empty table, next returns nil. If the second argument is absent,
// then it is interpreted as nil. In particular, you can use next(t) to check whether a table is empty.
// The order in which the indices are enumerated is not specified, even for numeric indices.
// (To traverse a table in numeric order, use a numerical for.)
// The behavior of next is undefined if, during the traversal, you assign any value to a non-existent field in the table.
// You may however modify existing fields. In particular, you may clear existing fields.