What's New in LUA Modding

From SkyCorp Global
Revision as of 05:09, 18 July 2023 by SkyCorp (talk | contribs) (Inputting LUA)

Inputting LUA

You no longer need to manually compile LUA into bytecode and then base64 it! Now you simply escape the lua source code and drop it in.

Note the field changed from 'luac' (compiled lua) to just 'lua'


Previously mod json in AS3:

	"type": "ENTITY",
		"literalString" : "Shinier Gem"
		"programString": true

And now mod json in new engine:

	"type": "ENTITY",
		"literalString" : "Shinier Gem"
		"programString": true
	"lua": "-- Description is called when an object's description is shown to the\r\n-- player or otherwise requested.  The object should return a string\r\n-- containing the description.\r\n\r\nfunction description()\r\n\r\n   -- Create a descriptive string\r\n   local descriptiveText = \"The gem shines programatically as you look at it.\";\r\n\r\n   -- Return it\r\n   return descriptiveText;\r\n\r\nend"

Access to more utility functions/classes