Text Variables

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This page lists variables that will be substituted in provided text.

For example "I hear your name is [[NAME]]", will be translated to "I hear your name is Mark" (assuming the player's name is Mark)

Text substitution variables

These variables evaluate to text strings.

Variable Description Sample Output
[[SHIRT DESCRIPTION]] Shirt description (or any clothing in torso slot)
[[SHIRT DESCRIPTION RAW]] Shirt description (or any clothing in torso slot) -- ONLY describe shirt
[[PANTS DESCRIPTION]] Pants description (or any clothing in legs slot)
[[LEGS DESCRIPTION]] Specifically does not mention clothing. OK for use with sluggirls
[[HANDS DESCRIPTION]] Specifically does not mention clothing.
[[FEET DESCRIPTION]] Specifically does not mention clothing.
[[EARS DESCRIPTION]] Specifically does not mention clothing.
[[ARMS DESCRIPTION]] Specifically does not mention clothing.
[[TAIL DESCRIPTION]] Specifically does not mention clothing.
[[WINGS DESCRIPTION]] Specifically does not mention clothing.
[[UDDER DESCRIPTION]] Specifically does not mention clothing.
[[NOSE DESCRIPTION]] Specifically does not mention clothing.
[[MOUTH DESCRIPTION]] Specifically does not mention clothing.
[[TEETH DESCRIPTION]] Specifically does not mention clothing.
[[EYES DESCRIPTION]] Specifically does not mention clothing. Introduced in r30.
[[NIPPLES DESCRIPTION]] Breast nipples description. Will be considered teats if the player is wielding an udder
[[BUTT DESCRIPTION]] Butt description (or any clothing in torso slot)
[[NAKED BUTT DESCRIPTION]] Butt description, not including clothing. Introduced in r31.
[[EXPOSED BODY PART DESCRIPTION]] An obviously TF'ed body part. Note, this will change ALL text to look at that one specific body part. So use the variants if you want randomness
[[EXPOSED BODY PART 2 DESCRIPTION]] An obviously TF'ed body part. Note, this will change ALL text to look at that one specific body part. So use the variants if you want randomness
[[EXPOSED BODY PART 3 DESCRIPTION]] An obviously TF'ed body part. Note, this will change ALL text to look at that one specific body part. So use the variants if you want randomness
[[BREAST SIZE DESCRIPTION]] Like breast description, but doesn't refer to quantity or torso (r51)
[[TOTAL MILKABLE ASSETS DESCRIPTION]] Used to refer to everything milkable (top tits, bottom tits & udder). r52

ex: "2 G-cup beachballs and baseball-sized udder"

[[MOVE]] The type of player movement based on the map room -- currently limited to either 'walk' or 'swim' but will eventually include species specific movement types. Introduced in r31.
[[SPECIES]] The name of the species that the player is mostly, with heavier weighting toward transformation severity / unhideable TFs. Introduced in r31.
[[TEASE BODY PART]] The most obvious thing the player can be teased about regarding their new body.  Ie, an udder for a cow, etc. Introduced in r31.
[[TEASE BODY PART 2]] Tease system - the second most obvious thing the player can be teased about regarding their new body.  Ie, large milky breasts for a cow, etc. Introduced in r31.
[[TEASE BODY PART 3]] Tease system - the second most obvious thing the player can be teased about regarding their new body.  Ie, cow tail & large butt milky breasts for a cow, etc. Introduced in r31.
[[TEASE NAME]] Tease system - a pet name for the player based on their species. Introduced in r31.
[[TEASE NAME 2]] Tease system - a pet name for the player based on their species. Introduced in r31.
[[TEASE NAME 3]] Tease system - a pet name for the player based on their species. Introduced in r31.
[[SHORT TEASE]] Tease system - a short pet name for the player based on their species. Introduced in r31.
[[PLAYER HIM]] Pronouns based on what the player looks like (not necessarily what the player considers themselves). Introduced in r32.
[[PLAYER HE]] Pronouns based on what the player looks like (not necessarily what the player considers themselves). Introduced in r32.
[[PLAYER HIS]] Pronouns based on what the player looks like (not necessarily what the player considers themselves). Introduced in r32.
[[PLAYER HIM CAP]] Pronouns based on what the player looks like (not necessarily what the player considers themselves). Capitalized version, introduced in r52.
[[PLAYER HE CAP]] Pronouns based on what the player looks like (not necessarily what the player considers themselves). Capitalized version, introduced in r52.
[[PLAYER HIS CAP]] Pronouns based on what the player looks like (not necessarily what the player considers themselves). Capitalized version, introduced in r52.
[[ALT VOCAL]] Alternate vocal -- if player can't use words, what can they use?  Should if check has an alt voice first before using this.
[[HAIR DESCRIPTION]] Player's hair / top of head description. This isn't implemented by most TF's currently, so it's advised you avoid using this for now. Introduced in r37.
[[NAKED BODY PART DESCRIPTION]] Gets description of a naked part of the player (ie breasts/dick/vagina if exposed). Introduced in r38.
[[PARAMETER]] An arbitrary parameter passed by code that is relevant to the text. Introduced in r38.
[[NPC NAME]] Name of NPC of scene, if available. Introduced in r51.
[[NPC HE]] NPC's pronoun, if available. Lower case. Introduced in r52.
[[NPC HIM]] NPC's pronoun, if available. Lower case. Introduced in r52.
[[NPC HIS]] NPC's pronoun, if available. Lower case. Introduced in r52.
[[NPC HE CAP]] NPC's pronoun, if available. Sentence case (ex: 'He'). Introduced in r52.
[[NPC HIM CAP]] NPC's pronoun, if available. Sentence case (ex: 'Him'). Introduced in r52.
[[NPC HIS CAP]] NPC's pronoun, if available. Sentence case (ex: 'His'). Introduced in r52.
[[NPC LEGS DESCRIPTION]] NPC's body part description, if available. Introduced in r52.
[[NPC HANDS DESCRIPTION]] NPC's body part description, if available. Introduced in r52.
[[NPC FEET DESCRIPTION]] NPC's body part description, if available. Introduced in r52.
[[NPC EARS DESCRIPTION]] NPC's body part description, if available. Introduced in r52.
[[NPC ARMS DESCRIPTION]] NPC's body part description, if available. Introduced in r52.
[[NPC TAIL DESCRIPTION]] NPC's body part description, if available. Introduced in r52.
[[NPC WINGS DESCRIPTION]] NPC's body part description, if available. Introduced in r52.
[[NPC NOSE DESCRIPTION]] NPC's body part description, if available. Introduced in r52.
[[NPC MOUTH DESCRIPTION]] NPC's body part description, if available. Introduced in r52.
[[NPC TEETH DESCRIPTION]] NPC's body part description, if available. Introduced in r52.
[[NPC HAIR DESCRIPTION]] NPC's body part description, if available. Introduced in r52.
[[NPC EYES DESCRIPTION]] NPC's body part description, if available. Introduced in r52.
[[NPC SIR]] Generalized way to refer to NPC, does not factor in ownership status (ex: "ma'am"). r52
[[NPC SIR CAP]] Generalized way to refer to NPC, does not factor in ownership status (ex: "Ma'am"). r52
[[NPC HONORIFIC]] Respectful way to address NPC that includes ownership status (ex Mistress or ma'am). r52
[[NPC HONORIFIC CAP]] Respectful way to address NPC that includes ownership status (ex Mistress or Ma'am). r52
[[NPC ALT VOCAL]] If NPC can't use words, what can they use? Should if check has an alt voice first before using this. r52

Boolean evaluation

These variables evaluate to either 'true' or 'false'.

Variable Description
[[WEARING xxx]] True if the player is wearing an item of clothing in the relevant clothing slot.
[[IS xxx yyy]] True if the player's body part xxx is TF Type yyy.
[[SPECIES xxx]] True if the player's overall species (see SPECIES variable in the text substitution section for details) is mostly species xxx. It's generally better to use the IS syntax above since players could be having body parts of multiple types. Introduced in r37.
[[VAGINA]] True if player has a vagina
[[PENIS]] True if player has a penis
[[BREASTS]] True if player has at least A breasts
[[SLUGGIRLLEGS]] True if player has slug girl legs
[[HAS ARMS]] True if player has arms (not slug girl)
[[HAS TAIL]] True if player has a tail
[[USELESS HANDS]] True if player has hands, but they are useless (ie, cow hooves)
[[HIGH ACCEPTANCE]] True if player has acceptance >= 70
[[MEDIUM ACCEPTANCE]] True if player has acceptance >= 40
[[EXPOSED]] True if player has exposure >= 100
[[LACTATING]] True if player is lactating
[[HAS UDDER]] True if player has any udder
[[CAT]] True if player is (fully) catgirl
[[HEAT]] True if player is currently in heat
[[MULTIBREAST]] True if player has more than one row of breasts
[[LOW WEIGHT]] True if player has low overweight score (<10)
[[WEIGHT SUPPLE OR MORE]] True if player is overweight by >= 10lbs (r48)

In-game description of their weight is 'supple' or heavier

[[WEIGHT PUDGY OR MORE]] True if player is overweight by >= 25lbs (r48)

In-game description of their weight is 'pudgy' or heavier

[[WEIGHT BELLY EXPOSE MINOR OR MORE]] True if player is so overweight their belly is at least partially visible (r48)

Currently this happens if player is overweight by >= 40lbs

[[WEIGHT BELLY EXPOSE MAJOR OR MORE]] True if player is so overweight their belly is extremely visible (r48)

Currently this happens if player is overweight by >= 75lbs

[[WEIGHT SHIRT LIMIT OR MORE]] True is player is so overweight they cannot wear a shirt (r48)

Currently this happens if player is overweight by >= 120lbs

[[WEIGHT PANTS LIMIT OR MORE]] True is player is so overweight they cannot wear pants (r48)

Currently this happens if player is overweight by >= 150lbs

[[WEIGHT MASTURBATE LIMIT OR MORE]] True is player is so overweight they can't masturbate (r48)

Currently this happens if player is overweight by >= 150lbs

[[WEIGHT DIFFICULT TO MOVE OR MORE]] True is player is so overweight their movement is impaired (r48)

Currently this happens if player is overweight by >= 170lbs

[[WEIGHT IMMOBILE OR MORE]] True is player is so overweight their movement is impossible / they are stuck (on land -- water works differently) (r48)

Currently this happens if player is overweight by >= 200lbs

[[HUMAN VOICE]] False if player has a voice so distorted they cannot communicate in English
[[ALT VOICE]] True if player has a voice so distorted they cannot communicate in english
[[BOUND]] True if player's wrists are bound
[[MUSK]] True if player is currently emitting musk (currently only used for wyverness TF)
[[NAKED]] True if player has exposed breasts or genitals (r38)
[[DEFAULT METABOLISM]] True if player doesn't have High Metabolism aspect (ie, High Metabolism Tattoo) (r40)
[[RANDOM xxx]] True 1/x % of the time. IE, random 1 has a 100% chance of true, random 2 has a 50% chance of true, random 3 has a 33% chance, etc... (r46)
[[NPC HARD DOM]] True if NPC is a hard dom (if known) (r51)
[[NPC SOFT DOM]] True if NPC is a soft dom (if known) (r51)
[[NPC OWNER]] True if NPC is the player's Owner (r51)
[[BREEDER]] True is Player has the Breeder aspect (r51)
[[NPC HAS DEXTERITY]] True if the npc in this scene has dexterous & usable & not bound hands (defaults true) (r52)
[[NPC ALT VOICE]] True if npc cannot communicate in English (r52)

Conditional Text

You can use an if statement to show text based on a condition. For example:

[[IF [[HAS ARMS]]]]"Check out these arms," you say.[[ENDIF]] will only display if the player has arms.

You can also use Else to do something else if the condition evaluates to false:

[[IF [[HAS ARMS]]]]"Check out these arms,"[[ELSE]]"I wish I had arms,"[[ENDIF]] you say.

Finally, you can also use Else If:

You are feeling [[IF [[HIGH ACCEPTANCE]]]]excited[[ELSE IF [[MEDIUM ACCEPTANCE]]]]cautious[[ELSE]]mortified[[ENDIF]] by your new form.

Remove Formatting

In r51+, you can use [[REMOVE FORMATTING]] to more easily construct complex IF's.

It removes tabs and single newlines. It does not remove double newlines or spaces.

My acceptance is [[REMOVE FORMATTING]]

	[[IF [[BREASTS]]]]
		no breasts